Formance - SIPS Panels

At Simpson Residential we are always excited about new building technologies and providing strong energy efficient homes. SIPS stands for Structural Insulated Panel which is a high performance building system that consists of an insulated foam core sandwiched between two structural facings. We're proud to have teamed up with Formance for higher performance buildings. Our team has experience building with Formance and would love to talk to you about the benefits of this next-generation system.

For a home to give superior performance its essential to separate the interior and exterior environments well. One of the most critical elements of a sustainable home is the building envelope (the roof, external walls and the floor). You don’t have control of the outside environment; but with the right choices you can have control of the inside one.

Formance Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are a high performance building material for the ultimate sustainable home. They provide high insulation, high strength and a low eco footprint for your building envelope. The right material choice for ongoing high performance in hot and cold climatic zones anywhere in New Zealand.

The building envelope plays 4 key roles. STRUCTURAL, WEATHER-TIGHTNESS, THERMAL, VISUAL in order of importance.

Formance panels provide significant improvements in all areas compared to traditional construction methods, but the biggest difference is seen in the hugely increased thermal performance. Thermal performance has two components. Airtightness and Thermal Conductivity. Airtightness is measured in Air Changes Per Hour at 50pa of pressure and Thermal Conductivity is measured in R Value. 

Formance panels combine superior insulation with near-zero air leakage to maximize the performance of the building envelope. You will get:

Reduced energy consumption.
Lower energy bills.
Up to 90 percent less air leakage than stick-framed structures.
No thermal bridging or convection looping.